Vapor Blast Systems for Coins and Precious Metals

Wet Technologies vapor blasting systems for coins and precious metals surface finishing descales and finishes coins and precious metals of gold, platinum, silver, and even bronze.

Precise control of the finishing process is maintained, while valuable materials remain on-premise.

To obtain the desired precise finish for precious metals, coins and medallions, a Wet Technologies vapor blasting system can utilize the right media and parameters to treat surfaces with no measurable material removal.

Applications include investment removal and/or descaling, while producing matte or polished finishes.

In addition, this process eliminates caustic chemicals, dust and dust collectors for a safer work environment. Extremely fine closed-loop filtration guarantees containment and cleanliness.

Contact our team to learn about our custom solutions, built for any application.

What our customers say about us

Blasting Process

Which vapor blasting process is right for me?

We provide solutions based on your application and finishing needs. All of our systems are offered independently closed loop, as well as open loop, and can also be designed to feed and draw from a customer’s plant waste water treatment process.

A significant factor in our reputation is our ability to run the highest concentrations of certain medias in the industry.
Our slurry delivery system provides the most even finishes with faster process times, and lower media consumption rates.

Combination Systems Available: We can combine high pressure water and wet blast slurry processing into the same system.